Sunday, 17 October 2010

Four old men in the shade.

Fuerteventura 2009
Black and white (7/75)
Four old men avoiding the midday sun and watching the world go by from a bench on the sea front. This makes me think of the Godfather, Sopranos and such. Four Dons discussing business in their sunglasses. Maybe a couple of heavies just outside the frame are making sure they wont be disturbed.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Not quite the Krays

Nottingham 2007

Black and white (6/75)

2 year old Oliver is in front, being watched over by is older brother Thomas. Obviously the classic David Bailey pose for the Krays is used to posed these two little chaps.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Blind museum historian

Dominican Republic 2007
Black and white print (5/75)
Shot at a coastal fort in the Domincan republic. I used natural light from behind this blind historian who explains the forts historical importance in defending against pirates and other sea bound threats.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Mother pushing swing

Notttingham 2007
Black and white print (4/75)
This lovely little girl was a joy in the studio and had lots of fun when I took her to my local park. Although you can't see her mouth, you can see the smile in her eyes and her mothers smile just beams knowing her daughter is having fun.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Usher Brothers

Nottingham 2006
Black and White print 3/75
Two brothers acting as Ushers at their fathers wedding. Shot outside the church as they perform their duties, the eldest seems quite happy to have his photo taken, while the youngest appears a little more unsure.